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Hello. You can find the grown & sexy me at www.sheiscinta.blogspot.com
Thank You. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, October 30, 2004
**Pat on the back**

pat on the back for me.. i've submitted 4 skins today! yeay! finally i;m able to submit skins. mind u, my skins arent dat nice .. be gentle ya?

Raya Talk

went to geylag juz now. again. yea i noe.. hahahhaa... saw dayang, but she didnt realize me i think. haha.. i bought a handbag and a shoe for hari raye.. all beaded and stuffs.. hahahaha.. hahahah.. hahahha.. i dunno wat im laughing for.. ahahha.. anyways, juz thought i'd sent in some of my own skins creations at blogskins. but den, blogskins under maintenance. CHITOT! anyhows, i wish i hv a cameraphone or digicam or sumthink so i cuz show u my new shoe n handbag.. its so lovely i tell u~ my shoe are like cinderella's slippers! except that it aint glass, it's in silver. with flecks of beads sewn on it.. i look so grown up wearing it. hahaha.. so ironic!
the handbag is also sequinned n beaded. all in pink! sweet hue of pink.im thinking of wearing the light pink baju kurung for my first day raya cuz i dun wanna look too glam or overdress cuz after the sembahyang raya, my whole family is going to 'BALIK KAMPUNG ~~ OH OH OH BALIK KAMPUNG~~' Yea! seriously! i have a kampung so, the festive season feel is sumwat still there.. I THINK. hahaha.. i miss my sick grandma, i pray for her well beings and hope she is not suffering.. heard that she cant puasa anymore.. *siGh* oh yeah, i am planning to dye my hair again before raya. streaks of blonde here and there yaww..

on 15 dec, im making my way to KL again. Yippeee! but w/o my sister, so, no yipee! cuz, no sister means no shopping.. hahaha.. oh wells, im looking forward to having a great time with all my yOung 'uns there.. how i LOVE kids!

Thursday, October 28, 2004
Bapak kau

i kno.. im juz a sucker for changing new skins! wattaheck. i juz wanna say 2 words to all my frens dat took me for granted. "BAPAK KAO!"

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My dada bleached his hair!!! oh god!!!! he looks so diff. when he met me outside my door juz now... How i love him no matter wat! *Cheers*

Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Day Out With My ex Sch mates...

For those whu didnt manage to make urself present for the gathering.. Here's some pics for u guys to see.. Was quite mendak at first ar.. but... it get funnier n funnier.. i mean.. LITERALLY. fir, fadhli n suhaimi juz cant stop making stupid jOkes and umar was juz reading my newpaper like nobody's biz throughout. at the end of the day, newpaper aku jadi bahan rolling siak.. kena pass2 ard... hahaha! my newpaper more famous den me!

hahaha.. anyways, i have taken down the pics frm my site. for those of u whu haven't view it yet.. go here.. namely ppl like RESTRIA FAUZIANA. hahahahha

Monday, October 25, 2004

I've not been sleeping like normal nowadays.. Im so scared of sleeping alone in my bedroom dat i purposely stayed awake all night infront of the computer (its in the living room btw,) waiting for my mom to wake up for sahur and cook so i have company and i feel secure dat im not alone.. den after everyone ate their share of sahur, i will kill some more time watching tv in the living room or in front of this muthafriggin' comp. and waits till its almost dawn den i proceed inside my room and sleep. but not before im tucked tightly under my comforters all the way to my chin.

Call me scaredy cat or watever. But im juz scared.. I dunno what of exactly but, i got a feeling dis feelings started since i watched 'Art Of The Devil'. When i shower.. I tend not to close my eyes for too long when i shampoo or watever.. Im juz paranoid.. I think i need medical help. Every now and den i will get scared for the slightest awkward noise in the house or footsteps outside the house.. Ok. Having written that in words. It made me sound like a stupid,paranoid, scaredy cat 10-yr-old. But i cant help it. I dunno for how much longer can i take this..

It doesn't help that my father and i is kinda having a silent war. He aint talking to me cuz i got home late yesternite frm Geylang. I mean, its Saturday. Its holiday. N im young. Its only normal.. But then again, dis is my father im talking abt. Of coz he wud be mad dat i stayed out late. Too late then the agreed time, which is 9 or 10. But sumtimes, i juz have to make an exception rite? If not they'll be too used to me being home early or on the dot and when i suddenly i really am late, they'll get REALLY mad and ground me watsoever. Not that my parents ever used that kinda rules ard this house (Thank God!).

Anyway, i've been sleeping in my mOm's room for the past weeks and my dad sleeps in my room. its sorta like, switching places. cuz im scared of my bedroom. u won't believe how wild my imagination can get there.. Den since my father is having this silent war wif me, he slept in my mom's room when i came back frm Geylang, and i am left with no choice but to sleep in my own room. again. which brings us to today......

Its 4.05am in the morning now and i haven't slept a wink. Have been online since 11pm and im waiting for my parents to wake up for sahur..

To the mysterious tagger who tagged at my blog, i juz wanna say. watever, u words wun bring me down. but lets forget abt the whole thing here shall we? im sick and tired of making enemies..

Speaking of enemies, i am still contemplating on whether or not i shall go for the gathering of my PEPS mates this tuesday. Of coz, the wise thing to do would be, making myself scarce on that day, but it doesnt seem to 'akidah' to do dat. But this is SUHAIMI im talking abt. He made half of my primary sch life a painful and miserable experiences. Of coz, the other half is great with all the sweet memories and laughters and everything. But then again, dis is the person that i've sworn to hate all my life. My nemesis. Oh GOD! I thought i would never bump into him in any sort of way again. N den, dere was liza. Who discovered suhaimi, in wat ways i dunno. Thru friendster. DAMN FRIENDSTER! I mean, I LOVE FRIENDSTER and all.. But in this situation, i must repeat, DAMN FRIENDSTER!

So shud i go? Nahhh..

I dun think i wanna be telling u abt my trip to Bazaar Geylang.. Hahhahaa.. NoPe!
Anyway, if ya'll got the time and the dough, look out for this vcd and watch it. I certainly enjoyed it! Soooo romantic.. Its in indonesian though.. But fret not, malay subtitles are provided! Its called "Eiffel.... Im In Love"

Thursday, October 21, 2004
MSN Hotmail - Message

Petua Imam Syafie


Empat perkara menguatkan badan

1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas

Empat perkara melemahkan badan

1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam

Empat perkara menajamkan mata

1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih

Empat perkara merosakan mata

1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat

Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran

1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama


1. TIDUR PARA NABI - Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi.
2. TIDUR PARA ULAMA' & AHLI IBADAH - Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
3. TIDUR PARA RAJA YANG HALOBA - Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.
4. TIDUR SYAITAN - Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.

*Kalau rajin.. Tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kepada saudara Muslim
Muslimat yang lain agar menjadi amalan kepada kita semua. Ilmu yang
bermanfaat ialah
salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya
meskipun dia sudah mati.

Subject: Fw : Fw: Kebesaran Surah Al-Ikhlas Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 14:56:08 +0800

Anas Bin Malik ra berkata: "Sewaktu kami bersama-sama Rasulullah saw berada di Tabuk, maka terbitlah matahari yang mana cahayanya belum pernah terlihat seperti itu sebelumnya. Jauhnya cahaya itu dari Rasulullah saw dengan kota Madinah ialah sebulan jalan. Maka pada suatu hari terbitlah matahari dalam keadaan redup, dan turun Malaikat Jibril as.

Apabila melihat kedatangan Jibril as, maka Rasulullah saw pun bertanya: "Wahai Jibril, kenapa matahari hari ini terbit dalam keadaan redup? "Berkata malaikat Jibril as: "Matahari hari ini nampak seperti redup adalah kerana terlampau banyaknya sayap para malaikat." Berkata Rasulullah saw: "Apakah halnya maka terjadi demikian?" Berkata Jibril as: "Inilah adalah kerana Muawiyah meninggal dunia di Madinah, Allah swt telah mengutuskan seramai 70,000 malaikat supaya membaca selawat untuk Mu'awiyah." Berkata Rasulullah saw: "Apa sebabnya?" Berkata Jibril as: "Ini adalah kerana Mu'awiyah itu selalu banyak membaca "Qul huwallaahu Ahad" di waktu malam, di waktu siang, sewaktu berjalan, sewaktu berdiri, sewaktu duduk, waktu pergi, waktu balik bahkan setiap keadaan." Berkata Jibril as lagi: "Ya Rasulullah saw, mahukah kamu aku menggenggam bumi ini supaya bumi ini membaca selawat untuk Mu'awiyah?" Bersabda Rasulullah saw: "Ya Jibril, teruskan." Setelah mendapat perintah dari Rasulullah saw maka Jibril as pun memukul kedua belah sayapnya pada bumi sehingga bumi pun sempit. Kemudian diangkatnya sehingga Rasulullah saw dapat melihat di belakangnya diiringi oleh malaikat yang berbaris-baris, setiap satu baris itu ada 70,000 para malaikat. Setelah itu Rasulullah saw pun mengerjakan solat untuk Mu'awiyah.

Surah Al-Ikhlas memang banyak kelebihannya, sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud: "Barang siapa membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sewaktu sakit sehingga dia meninggal dunia, maka dia tidak akan membusuk di dalam kuburnya, akan selamat dia dari kesempitan kubur. Dan para malaikat akan membawanya dengan sayap mereka melintasi titian shiratul mustaqim dan menuju ke syurga."

No offence watsoever..

juz wanna make it clear to wx dat its all good okie.. Im not mad at u, n i hope ur not offended by me or watsoevers okie.. Truce? Agreed. Dat layout was common anyway, so juz abt anyone cuz hv used it.

Have not been coming to sch. HATE TO SEE DAT TEACHER'S FACE. MCM SIAL.

Hmm.. hv not been meeting dada for like.. so many days.. missing him like crazy.. but i spent my time wif sheila dees days cuz she hv been fired frm her work, sooo she's so damn free dat she always woke me up at 12 or earlier den dat to make plans for the day.. My God. cant take it siak.. waking up at 12 noon is too early for me... I need more sleep! its puasa, so if i wake up early, i will get tempted to eat.. soooo if i dun wanna eat. i sleep. simple as dat. Heehee ..

So once again, i make myself clear, dat, im not mad u wanxiang, or neither did i meant to offend u.. its petty anyway, so lets us juz forget it okie? no worries..

Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Changed skin again..

hey... i changed to a new skin and layout cuz wan xiang used the exact same layout as the one that i was using before.. nvm, no offence taken or given. so i kindly changed mine.. ppl whu meant to degrade me in my OWN tagboard can juz forget abt doing so cuz i i've installed a tracking device dat can reveal ur personal particulars. Thnx to my dear fren Max for his help. Gee. Get a life already. Tata!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

I bought the FLAVA cd already.

Next, Terkencing, Terberak vcd

Baby pic

Isnt that baby pic so innocent?? Awww...

Anyway, here i am again. Online. dunno wattado..

I ate ALOT siak juz now..

Now i feel so headachy..

Shock for my tummy ar..

Didnt eat the whole day, suddenly, eat alot..


Friday, October 15, 2004
Day 1 of Ramadhan

I went to skool today.. With my grey nike shoes n i was sent home by Tan tonggek. So i went home n spend 10 mins finding the 'icking shoe. when i got back to sch.. Gopal was teaching us Maths. Ok ar.. i can quite understand ar. He went back to the basics juz now.. after dat was an hour of break. bingit je.. usually i'd be the first out of the class to go canteen siak.. nvm ar.. i made through this first day of puasa quite well ar.. Hope this will kickstart a full puasa this time ard.. I nv got to have a complete puasa seh..

Eh u noe wat. i dunno y i was so stupid to agree to do a public speaking infront of the whole sch. But i gotta overcome my fear ar.. sampai bila seh? I might be graduating soon frm shuqun n i havent did a public speaking throughout the whole 4 yrs.. Takper ar.. lepaskan skali ar..

Wish me luck for my public speaking on Monday. I have a fear of getting on the platform/stage. Becuz all eyes are on me. I feel soooooooooooooo weird. I am sooooooooooo scared.

Thursday, October 14, 2004
Fasting Already...

Haizz.. tmr fasting already...
Yg taat berPUASA
Dibulan yg mulia ini

Yang tak MINAT PUASA tu

Boring siak besok dah puasa.. Puasa leh isap rokok ke tak ar? Aku tau isap rokok tu makruh.. Tapi tak haram per.. so boleh ar tu eh? sorrie eh, i dun feel like typing in english ar.. so bear wif it all non-malay ppl. Anyway, back to the topic. Aku boleh puasa tak makan tak minum, tapi rokok tak bleh ar... So.. kepada sape2 yg melanda nasib malang sama mcm aku, welcum to the club.

Abah aku siang2 dah warning, "dis yr jgn puasa yOk2 eh, jgn curik2 ayam goreng lagi.." WAHAHHAHAHA.. Cannot forget siak last yr, aku kul 12 gitu lapar tau, abe aku buka ar.. makan ayam ngn nasi wif kicap.. LoL.ni semua leftovers frm sahur.. den bila mak aku balik, she counted the ayam on the plate., short of 1.. woOhOohOo.. ape lagi.. aku ar penyangak nye~ biasalah kan.. puasa kan... jadi perut pun... slalu bunyi2 la kan... jadi ape lagi boleh buat la kan? makan la kan...wahahahha

Kk, to whoever got my nO., sahur nanti, calling2 ar eh~ k bye

In love with songs

new skin. new template. new layout. nice? no?

Who cares?

Im so in love with these two songs rite now:
1. Cassidy ft Mashonda - Get No Better (the one playing rite now)
2. Ja Rule Ft R.Kelly n Ashanti - Wonderful


N thnks to all who tagged..

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
No subject la...

Im thinking of changing my blog skin again. Cant help it ar.. i get bored easily with something, malays call it "senang muak". hmm... spent the day wif sheila juz now..She came over to my place n hang out..she wanna let out her thoughts n feelings to someone.. felt sorry for her.. kesian die.. hope she n harris will get back soon. got some new nail shades.. in white n nude colour.. walked ard at the shops beside jurong entertainment juz now n went into this cd shop dat used to frequent went i was younger, n dat auntie still remembered me seh! i m sooooo dying to buy the new compilation CD called 'Flava' its a R&B/FUNK/HIPHOP based album remixed by Phuture's very own resident dj Andrew Chow. Must buy. Must buy!!!!!

Songs downloaded today:
1)Nina Sky-In a dream
2)Nina Sky-Turnin' me on
3)Bigtymers ft R.Kelly-Gangsta Girl
4)MVP ft Stagga Lee-Rock ur body

Videos in que today:
2)G-unit-Wanna get to know you
3)Ja Rule ft Ashanti-Wonderful
4)Shawna ft Ludacris-Shake dat shit

Me God!!

Oh. My. GOD! i cannot believe dis..

I decided to take a random check on more news of haizad at yahoo n i found out dat dis gerl got to pics frm haizad n even a hug frm him!!!!!!!! i sooooooo envy her.. n den, at friendster, dis girl wrote in the testimonial dat she saw haizad with his gf. Mebbe she's assuming? I duunno..But im juz gonna take the news as it is.. Hur.. how saddening. His most biggest fan here haven't actually got to look at his face 'live', while others got to! N sum said dat he's gay!! Haiz.. Dat bad? Dun tell me he's impotent?

Haha, went out wif my mOmmee today, go kampong jawa n geylang.. buy stuffs/materials for my brother's engagement. I oso bought a new pair of heels.. Its black n white.. very retro ar the design.. Hahaha.. If only i have a digicam or a cameraphone atleast! i wud hv showed it here.. niways, i oso bought a vcd called 'TOLLGATE GIRL'. It stars Amy Mastura n Rashid Salleh. Its damn good ~ I recommend u ppl to go out n buy dis vcd n watch it on malam raya cuz the story is based on puasa n hari raya.. Speaking of puasa.. this friday dah puasa, means thursday last day utk makan puas2 siang hari.. Haiz.. I will take advantage of this season to lose some icking pounds~ Yes. I can do it! NOT. hahahaha lets juz see hw it goes la.. Hope dis raya will b a good one n worth anticipating for!

Monday, October 11, 2004
Movie date

Ended up GOING to the movie date.. IT WAS SCARY siak the movie.. its abt black magic.. messing with the evil, blah blah blah.. n they oso showed abt 'nasi kangkang'.. muahahaha... farah closed her eyes throughout all the scary bits.. hahahhaha.. n then there's this bunch of irritating grp of young teenage ppl den keep on going 'shh'. Bleurgh! they were the one dat made so much NOISE in the end. C'mon ar.. its a scary movie siak, wat u expect??? ppl cannot scream izzit?? BODOH siak. anyway, we took alots of pix.. frm shanna's digicam.. n den after dat, sheila called me n said she wanna meet me up. ingatkan ape2 aje.. den i rushed over to meet her ar at Jurong East intchg. Skali she got problems with her mom-in-law.. Wahlau.. Ingatkan ape sakz! Buat aku cuak je~

Niways, baby got mad again.. he's gotten cranky again. He called me up n said "Y nv call me wen u got home?". Wat sey.. i juz got home n juz on the comp. seh.. argh. dun wanna say much ar..

Sunday, October 10, 2004

This are the upcoming movies that's gonna be released in singapore.. date may varies.. WoOHoO! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 2004
Being Julia - 10/15/2004
The Dust Factory - 10/15/2004
Eulogy - 10/15/2004
The Final Cut - 10/15/2004
P.S. - 10/15/2004
Riding the Bullet - 10/15/2004
Shall We Dance - 10/15/2004
Team America: World Police - 10/15/2004
Sex Is Comedy - 10/20/2004
Alfie - 10/22/2004
The Grudge - 10/22/2004
Lightning in a Bottle - 10/22/2004
Surviving Christmas - 10/22/2004
Asylum - 10/29/2004
Ray - 10/29/2004
Saw - 10/29/2004
November 2004
Brother to Brother - 11/05/2004
Callas Forever - 11/05/2004
The Incredibles - 11/05/2004
The Polar Express - 11/10/2004
After the Sunset - 11/12/2004
Finding Neverland - 11/12/2004
Kinsey - 11/12/2004
Seed of Chucky - 11/12/2004
The Ringer - 11/12/2004
Way Off Broadway - 11/12/2004
Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason - 11/19/2004
National Treasure - 11/19/2004
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 11/19/2004
Alexander - 11/24/2004
Christmas with the Kranks - 11/24/2004
A Very Long Engagement - 11/26/2004
December 2004
Closer - 12/03/2004
House of Flying Daggers - 12/03/2004
I Am David - 12/03/2004
Blade: Trinity - 12/08/2004
Beyond the Sea - 12/10/2004
Ocean's Twelve - 12/10/2004
The Aviator - 12/17/2004
Lemony Snicket's ''A Series of Unfortunate Events'' - 12/17/2004
Spanglish - 12/17/2004
The Flight of the Phoenix - 12/22/2004
Meet the Fockers - 12/22/2004
Phantom of the Opera - 12/22/2004
An Unfinished Life - 12/24/2004
January 2005
White Noise - 01/07/2005
Racing Stripes - 01/14/2005
Are We There Yet? - 01/28/2005
February 2005
Constantine - 02/11/2005
Hitch - 02/11/2005
In My Country - 02/11/2005
Because of Winn-Dixie - 02/18/2005
Cursed - 02/25/2005
March 2005
Be Cool - 03/04/2005
Dear Frankie - 03/04/2005
Robots - 03/11/2005
A Sound of Thunder - 03/11/2005
June 2005
Cinderella Man - 06/03/2005
Batman Begins - 06/17/2005
August 2005
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo - 08/12/2005
Into the Blue - 08/19/2005
September 2005
The Woods - 09/02/2005
Where's the Party Yaar? - 09/05/2005
November 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 11/18/2005

KIMAK SIAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KIMAK SIAK!!!!!!!!!! MEGA PERDANA DAH LEPAS SIOL. TAKDE SATU MATREP PON YG BILANG AKU. KIMAK SORT SIAK. SORT SIAK. IT WAS ON 3 OCT, SUNDAY. KIMAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APE AKU BUAT SIAK ARI TU????????? ARGHHH.. FOOK IT SIAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUTHAFRIGGIN' FOOK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I FUCKEN MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOLD U DIDNT I? I AM HOPELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worn Out. Again.

Hey.. Im dead beat. The whole day i've been staring at this friggin' screen try'n to improve my html skills.. This is the result. Nothing much la.. But it takes alot of time to find resources n learn more abt HTML. Im beginning to consider pursuing on graphic designing after my sch ar.. hahaha. Its fun work. Juz abit tiring ar..ok, im lying. it was damn tiring.

Been havin' troubles with boyfriend. dun wanna talk abt it much. juz makes my heart swell with anger n torn with hurt. our relationship is already reaching our 1 yr anniversary n yet he hafta change. for the worse. juz when i was changing for the good, he took a turn ard.. dun wanna say too much here cuz dis is, a public site. juz abt ANYONE can stumble across my blog n read dis n whu knoes? dat person reading cud b a friend of him n will haf a bad mentality of him or me. i dun wanna start another fight with him ar. dunno hw im gonna spend hari raya.. I love him so much... but yet, lately, all signs are like telling me sumthink else.. cud dis be a calling?

Speaking of Hari Raya. I can forecast the festive season to be a very 'mendak', slow, boring n melancholic one. becuz most of my older relatives dat im close to, are gone. as in, dead (may God bless them). Im getting older, so less 'ang pao' money. I look so matured dat THEY will be expecting money frm ME. den again there will be the no-friends-to-celebrate-with factor.. sigh.. im so hopeless.. with everything.. my lovelife, my friends, my body, my studies, my family, my social life, my looks..

as i looked into the mirror
to looked at wat i have achieved so far
a dirty body n a corrupted greeted me

*sigh* y am i so hopeless?

My Perfect Wedding

Sitting on the purple decorated dais
With my purple songket made frm the finest threads
I sat with elegant n poise
I looked like the princess that everyone was talking about
How pretty was i
He looked like the most handsomest prince from a respected country
It was like a coronation made in heaven
Of the respected prince n princess

Fingers, palms, toes n feet hennaed red
As red as the saga seeds
As red as the red sea..
On my fourth finger,
Sat a handsome diamond ring
Gleaming as the flashes of the cameras went off
Capturing memories dat will be kept
Here in my heart forever

Stealing side glances at him
When our eyes met,
We smiled bashfully
N know wat both means..
Heart beating wildly
Lips cant stop smiling
Cuz i know dat as of then,
My life will change.. For the better...

Saturday, October 09, 2004
Worn Out

Im juz totally dead beat. Today was my last paper. My last N'level examinations paper which is Maths paper 2. It was.. abysmal. It gets toooo easy when its easy.. n it gets soooo hard when its hard. U kno wat i mean? Anyway, as a celebration, i went out for steamboat @ Banquet juz nw with Dada.. YuM yUm.. Nice food... niCe ambience.. I was such a glutton juz nw while eating cuz i didnt eat the whole day n Dada pointed out to me dat he never saw this side of me b4. Bah! Hahaha.. Ended the day with a major fight at ard 10++pm and since den i was infront of this muthafriggin' comp. dat doesnt help me one bit in making my entries n everything fast n efficient.

I tried to find a suitable skin for Dayang as the previous one was like, totally messy n out of place. So i, the genius one, tho' being genius for not the right reasons, thought of surprising her with a new skin that suits her n edited sum stuffs.. wanted to do more fancy stuffs.. But couldn't find the energy liao. As im writing dis, its 3.28am in the weeeeeee morning where everyone is asleep sleeping of their prince charming, in eg. Dayang. Dayang u shud be really surprised abt ur blog girl. Even if its not a surprise, juz act like one k, cuz i really slept late for dat. Juz trying to find u a skin dat suits u took me more den 4 hrs. The blinkies on her blog is also discovered by me but NOT made by me, i found it sumwhere on the net. Credits go to that person. Im not gonna take credit for dat. Pls do not steal the blinkies frm Dayang's blog.

Anyway, since i slept over my normal bedtime which is 1am, i juz thot, hey might as well stay up late n change my blog layout n skin too. Dis one caught my eye immediately. Its sooooo like wat i wanted all this while. Finally found! I was torn between another one. which is kinda cute. oh well, i'll juz save it in line for the next layout.

I checked my mails n Yunus sent me dis.. I was like so shocked reading it mahn. >Shockingmalaysia

Haha.. Why siak?? I mean i cannot blame them ar.. Its only human for us to have sexual intercourse at some point of our life. N imagine u in ur menopausal years n seriously horny but lack the 'mojo', of coz u wud turn to dat. I juz pray n hope dat i'll be dead before i ever reach that stage mahn.. LoL. Ok sorry for saying dat God.

Eh u wanna see my face 2 yrs ago when my hair was curly2 like maggie? Nak ikot ala nigger shit ar konon... Im over that phase mahn. Thank God.

Here it is

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

tmr im having a VERY MAJOR EXAM dats gonna determine my life FOREVER. n yet i spend the few hours before it on the internet. Damn. I tried mugging. bUT i cant. Nuthing goes into my head. I am sooooooooooo gonna hate myself if i fail my n'level. I am soooooooooooooooooo not gonna take the news that i failed. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.

Saturday, October 02, 2004
In Memory of Haizad

Hey.. Didnt went out to meet sheila. We cancelled it cuz sumthing else popped up. So dere i was eating popcorn chicken and surfing the channel when Haizad's face popped up on tv! I was like ooooh.. they're showing encore of the Piano show~ I really oggled at every part of him while the camera was on him.. I realized dat he had stubbles during dat show. I think he must have been going thru a rough n depressing period to forget to shave of his stubbles.. Or, he did it on purpose, anyhow, it looked good on him anyway.. Hurr.. He looks good even in saree! I must say that his gf muz be very lucky to have him as a bf mahn! I mean. Look at him. Sooooooo gorgeous. So fair.. Well built body, well chiseled face.. Gosh. Cud i ask for more? i am like SO infatuated rite now.. Hahahha.. Anyway, i kno the chances of him stumbling across my site is like me marrying a Prince from a very rich country, but anyhow, i still wanna say this.. "Go make the dreams of all ur infatuated fans come true.."

I'm meeting my baby later at 9. N oh ya, i've not been smoking for like, 6 days already... n..... MY NICOTINE CRAVING IS BACK!!!! Gosh. Haizad ur a nurse rite? Help me cannn..? LoL. How does it feel eh, to have Haizad, or a nurse, as a boyfriend? Hmmm.. I wonder... *wOnder*



I am so late to meet Sheila~ I promised her 6pm at JP but its 5.36 n im still home, not dressed yet, wait. im dressed, but not dressed in terms of my dress code for going out.. U kno wat im trying to say? No? Nvm.

Anyway, i spent the whole __ hrs infront of the comp. working on my latest layouts.. (Frm 8.30am-5.36pm, count urself, go figure, im slow at maths!) I searched high and low for the perfect skin n i found this! Nice! Regards to clone.. I wanted sumthink frm sandstarz but the image juz wun load, so i got fed up n juz chose another skin. I spent 3 hrs alone on sandstarz ok! But still, i love her works nonetheless.

I cant be talking for too long now.. Im late. Like i've already said. Anwyay, those scrolling words are frm the song You should really kno a remake of I dun wanna know.. Oh ya, i need to go change the colour theme of my shoutbox too.
