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August 2004
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Laughing Aloud
I went out to watch White Chick at 5.15pm juz now.. I was feeling kinda bored so i checked out www.movieseer.com ,dats where i check out all my online movie times, n got interested to watch White Chick at the nearest movie theater which is Jurong Entertainment. So there i was laughing out loud alone in the dark surrounded by strangers. Weird. I kno. Dat was my first time catching a movie alone. But WC was awesome mahn! I urge all my readers to go watch it~ Next on my list is 'Raising Helen'. Hmmm.. Mebbe i'll juz catch it tmr. Alone. Again.
Am down with flu now.. Eyes all watery, nose all runny.. Hate it when its flu season. Urgh. I was fine as hell when i was in school juz now.. I had a laugh of a time in F&N class juz now.. Me, Phara, Renita n Praba was like laughing n giggling n trying to surpress our laughters like dumb little schoolgirls.. Oh wait. We are school girls, juz without the 'dumb' part. LoL. Renita, whu's not malay neither is she a chinese, neither is she a tamil, asks me n phara in class, cuz we are all seated together in a group n me n phara were the only malay speaking girls there, "Eh, u guys kno wat the meaning of 'Sundal' is? My mom used to like to scold me dat whenever she's pissed off at me.. I cant understand malay, but i kno its a bad word, wat is it?" Me n phara burst out laughing all the way.. hahhahaha.. there were more actually.. We taught her rude malay remarks to reply to her mom if her mom ever called her sundal again. It was a laugh mahn! N den, Phara actually taught me to play solitaire n spider solitaire. I am clueless abt any games involving these poker cards so i asked her to help me out.. We ended up laughing gaily like stupid schoolgirls again. N we oso played backgammon as those are the only games on the comp. in sch. My sch, is uber boring i tell you. Warn abt ur future siblings abt going to my school. Its a total wasted school. with wasted kids. with wasted partners n the list goes on... Oh ya, if u were wondering if i watched Charmed n all the other tv shows dat i mentioned in my previous post, the answer is no n yes. I did watched Charmed but i didnt catch the 'Adakah lagi ramadhan'. It was boring, really. N dat girl, norfasarie or sumthing kinda exaggerated alot with her expressions and everything dat juz makes the whole story seemed like a well-planned story. A good actress/actor must act professionally n seems naturale. Drama queens are totally out.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
HooKed On tV
I am so hooked on tv rite now... Ppl whu watched America's next top model may have diff. views on whu shud actually b eliminated. Well, i do agree dat the mom shud go. Though i respect her decisions principle and all dat, still, if u have dat kinda mentality u shouldn't even think of joining this competition. ![]() My favourite was April. She's dis asian look alike who looks SO HOT! ![]() ![]() ![]() N i think she also got the characteristics to be a humane top model.she actually felt bad abt not waking Jenaschia up. ![]() she's dis wide eyed girl whu rants on non-stop abt all the other girls being bitches for not waking her up. i mean like, hello!, cant u wake up on ur own? But if i were at her position i wud do nonetheless.Cudnt the rest of the girls, or atleast the one whu sleeps near her, nudge her to wake her up or sumthink. Stupid americans. N oh ya, i already kno whu the winner is. Its Yoanna ![]() Fret not, there'll b a season 3. But i think SG will only air it like, next yr. Happy waiting. Charmed is getting a teeny bit boring nowadays... I think its because of the time slot. Its too early. I missed most of the episodes. I mean didnt Mediacorp knoes dat most viewers of dat show is the adolescent. N most of them will be still out around dat time. Or only on their way home frm town or somewhere. I'm also looking forward to watch tonite's ramadhan drama show 'Adakah Lagi Ramadhan' on Suria. Hey, when do i squeeze some time to study? Its 5 more days till friggin' N'level. S.C.A.R.Y to think abt it.. Later! One. Love.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Me n Botak went to visit my bestfriend whu juz gave birth yesterday... Alhamdulillah, the baby n the mother's both healthy... I cant believe dat my bestfriend already has a CHILD! i mean... she's so crazy like me, n den, suddenly she got preggers n now, she's a mom.. A supermom.. She survived the pregnancy without her husband. Damn that absolut BASTARD. When she was preggers, he didnt even wanna come home often.. always spending wild nights outside, or prefering to sleep over at his friend's house rather den b with his wifey... Hell, he even got a new gf when the wife was preggers.. Imagine dat, u are pregnant, n ur hubby's doing dat to u.. I, for sure, cannot n will NOT, survive dat thru.. But she did.. Look at her now.. She's much more stonger now finding solace in her new born child.. N when she gave birth, yes u guessed it, the hubby wasnt there.. N den now, he claimed she is stopping him frm his rights of a father to look at his child. Hey, ur juz a stranger mahn! Get lost shithead!
So ppl.. Learn a lesson frm this new entry.. Do not trust ur husband/bf/fiancee too much... He may seem like an angel now.. But later down the road.. after many years.. U cant tell dat for urself, he will bound to change abit and soon.... U realize dat u have a stranger in your house..
Thursday, September 23, 2004
A Penny 4 My Thots
First things first, i've gotten alot of feedback frm ppl abt my previous entry..well thank u guys.u made it happen. 2nd, pls ignore the image at the side, i kno it may b disturbing for sum of u n it doesnt really suits the background song, mood n aura of things rite now.. But i simply love that image n dis pinkish layout. Thnx to those whu complimented, namely wan.xiang n jaryl..
2nd, i wud like to share the school life experience today frm akidah's view. I find it so irritating for this particular teacher (whu, most other teachers in this school also dislikes) to poke his big red nose into other class's agenda. I mean, i kno dat as a teacher u have a right to stop or correct or reprimand a student's wrongdoings but dun u think ur being a lil' bit loony by being TOO strict? I pity ur students whu have to act like robots ard u. Only laugh on cue, only talk on cue. Other than that, shut it.well, U r being lame. When u 1st came into this school, u weren't even close to being like dis. I remembered u as the gentleman type n very polite teacher. But hey, mebbe dat cud b bcuz u JUST got in the school. But after a few yrs now, u begin to... i dunno wats the word... hmm... overdo it? Pls, i kno its reading period but surely if sumone had to borrow tissue papers or discuss whu's absent softly aint a crime innit? Think abt it. I am not naming anybody so dun be pointing fingers ok? If u feel dat u kno whu i'm talking abt den, dats the power of ur own imagination. Besides dat, school was fine today.. I had a culinary workshop and some chefs frm SHATEC popped in our school kitchen and taught us all abt Salmon or Norwegian Salmon to be exact. It was seriously exciting n worth it. I got to cook 3 dishes of Salmon n eat it~ Btw, in case ur wondering, i've nv tasted salmon before today. I juz kno dat it's pinkish/orangish in colour. N after school i had yet another perfect day out with my dada to catch the movie 'Saved'. Acted by Mandy Moore, McCaulay Culkin.. n many others..It was a movie abt satirical humor on life, teenage woes, christianity, believing in God n miracles. Dis movie is nothing serious as how it appears to sound here.. Its ironic how life is when u have all the luxury in life u tend not to realize it thus neglecting or misusing it. Luxury doesnt always have to come in golds, diamonds, silvers, posh cars, expensive house n a nice lawn. But a valuable assets of urs. Namely, friends. Having a luxury of having friends whu actually have mutual feelings and understanding is really hard to find these days... Sure u have friends... But do actually have REAL, GENUINE friends? Friends dat are willing to fork out that last dollar to help u save ur ass, or actually being there n listen n show genuine concern, care n love for u.. I have lotsa friends... Friends dat i laugh with, friends dat influenced me in many ways den 1 etc.. But i dun actually kno if i have a REAL friend. Sure im happy with the friends dat i have now, no offense, they have been there for me through thick n thin, but, being there juz aint enuff u kno..? N i never felt true friendship after i left dat particular wonderful one. I sure do hope dat i will find some REAL, GENUINE friends along the journey of dis life full of obstacles, one day.. one fine day.. Though it can never b replaced to the first one i had but... Ppl changes, time changes... N life changes too.. U cannot be on top for too long.. U have to b down there sometimes to get on top dere.. Its like a cycle. That's why we have never-ending problems. Oh ya, my form teacher is expecting me to dye my hair black by tmr. Oh frig it. Dis is my last few weeks as a student in Shuqun, i might as well break all the rules before im out. One. Love.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Melancholic Farewell
I cannot believe dat we're graduating soon... All the laughters, tears,euphoria, happiness will come to an end... I was blessed that i got to 2 very diff. grps of ppl thoughout my secondary school life... There was the exp. class n the acad. class, my current class.
Class of 2001 was indeed very diff. n exciting. I have been contemplating on doing this for along time, cuz i was afraid ppl wont get wat im tryin' to say n took it the wrong way n will hate me more.. But i juz wanted to... apologize. Aisah, hidayah, sulastri, artiqah, suhana, ziyah.. They were the best mates though i gotta go through turmoil to realize that... The 5 of us, ais, dayah, sue, tiqah, me, were solid. We were close and i blew it all up. I am truly sorry for all my wrong doings.. I wanna say thank you dat u guys have moulded me in another way or another to wat i am today...U guys taught me the meaning of true friendship, trust, loyalty and love. Love to family, God, life.. The tears that we shed.. The fight at the canteen dat really turned my life ard.. u girls were there for me when i had no one else to turn to and corrected all my wrongdoings.. U girls were my mentor in shaping the good side of me.. Aisah, i am sorry dat i've hurt u.. i've disappointed u... But believe me aisah, the tears i shed at the day of the fight wasnt croc's tears.. I really did cry.. For real... I was hurt dat dis all happened. Ziyah i am sorry i was mean to u during the starting of sec. 1 and 2.. I am sorry dat i wanted to slap ur face at the day of the fight. n i wanna say thank you to aisah for stopping me from making a big mistake. Hidayah, thank you for understanding me.. Thank you so much for being the 'big sister' image to me.. Thank u for hearing me out all this while.. Artiqah, im sorry i never returned ur cd's n im sorry if u think i've betrayed u.. I'm sorry dat i am not perfect... I am thankful dat u taught me indirectly to b closer to God. Sue, i am sorry for destroying ur trust in me.. I am sorry if i had done anything wrong to u.. I really enjoyed talking to u over the phone all those nites.. I was glad dat i was of help during ur downfall.. Suhana, i never was jealous of ur boyfriend n i have no intentions of wat sorts to have him. he wasnt my type n vice versa. The conversations on the phone was to plan on ur surprise anniversary gift. I am sorry dat since den, we're no more friends. I am sorry if it's all awkward now.. I still kept ur note dat u gave me at the starting of this yr for me to keep in my wallet always. I love u when i had u as my friend, i juz never thought dat things will end up dis way.. i have no grudges against u though i cannot say dat for urself.. I am sorry.. i am sorry for everything..I juz wanna end all this in a good note. so im apologizing to u if there was ever anything wrong dat u feel i have done to u.. But believe me, i never have any ill-feelings towards u.. Hafizah, u were mean to me. N it hurt me alot. U and i never bonded. But i still wanna say sorry if i've hurt u in any way .. Ur hurting words have helped me rise up frm my fall. N im sorry if im not perfect fizah, im juz born this way.. But i'm glad dat both of us are all good now.. Im glad dat though we barely see each other nowadays, u atleast didnt hurl any bad comments at me anymore.. I was glad dat u talked to me at the canteen wen we were waiting for our report books dis yr.. Thank you... I say this frm the bottom of my heart n i have no intentions of hurting anyone.. Again, if i did, im sorry.. Its gonna hurt me to kno dat im not gonna experience ur friendship anymore... Pls dun hate me.. I've gone through alot, and though i seemed cheerful n loony, i am actually suffering inside all this while since that fight. I cried every night bcuz i've lost a friendship dats flawless. I am only human n i make mistakes... I cannot bare to say this.. But if i were to ever leave this life, pls, cum and have 1 final look at me.. All of u.. though my soul is not there anymore, but we do know dat the soul is actually watching whu's visiting.. Pls forgive me for all those times... I love u girls alot.. At least im glad now dat we're all on talking terms... Pls read me al-fatehah every now n den.. I am scared of dis.. But i kno its soon.. I cant fight this any longer.. Halalkan makan minum kite thoughout our friendship. Forgive me for all my wrongdoings.. It will take me a long time to find another friendship like urs.. Dont hate me... I love u... Believe me. Thank u... For something special click HERE I juz thot i'd put that up for ol' times sake.. Anyway, those goes wayyyyyyy backkk... so all of us look immature n childish. Of coz! Wat were u expecting?
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Baby's day out
Today was such an enjoyful day out with my dada.. He gave me a pleasant surprise which comes in a black MANGO plastic bag. I opened it and TA-DAAAA! Laid there was a paper wrapped pink mangO top dat i told him dat i liked the other when we were window shopping.. I was like.. totally SHOCKED! Heehee.. I love my DADA so much~ N juz now, he juz bought a new pair of specs cuz he's been squinting since forever n the specs look good on him.. Very nerdy but cute~ In person, frm top to toe, he look like a tattoo artist.. WoOhOo.. N oh ya, he bought a prepaid simcard juz to be make communication between us much easier.. Ooooh, sweet innit?
After dat we tOok a few pics at the PRINT CLUB over at level 2 Far East Plaza... Oh ya, i ADORE the shades of mine.. Very bulky, very funky, very retro, very... ME. Dats all for now... Tmr's Phara's burfade n mebbe we're eating out after skOol and whU knoes wat's gonna happen after dat? One. Laterrr~
Monday, September 20, 2004
**MoVie MaRatHoN**
Amidst changing into a new skin, fighting with my bf n sucking in life, i had my own movie marathon.. I borrowed VCDs frm Phara n watched it one after another all day.. Tmr, Rozi will be bringing more.. Im sooo looking forward to it..
Here's wat i borrowed: 1. Crossroads 2. Baby's Day Out 3. My Girl (Thai) 4. Stuart Little 2 After typing this entry im going to start on 'Crossroads'. I havent watched it actually... So... looking forward to dat too..I'll be posting my Pre-lim results by Wednesday... n i tell u so far, by the looks of it, i am NOT gonna go to Sec 5 with my kind of results... *sigh* Later.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Aaawww...Poor Him..
Poor haizad...
He had a sorethroat while singing.. or so he claimed.. But i believed him cuz when he talks after dat his voice did seemed rusty.One word to sum his performance juz now was 'SAD'.. He tried to carry off with sumthing with a high note.. But he cant.. Mebbe he started off with the wrong note.. Mebbe he wasnt prepared for that tone yet.. It was clear that he was struggling with dat song.. Argh... If only, if only! After his performance... The judges fired him with lots of crushing critics... I kno dat brought him down alot.. N Ken, stop it with the whole 'Handsome boy, good looks' thingy... MOVE ON! Its clear that Haizad knoes how to handle compliments, he juz shrugs it off when he was complimented abt his good looks but not his good voice... N yeah, i hope wat Ken said is true, abt the whole acting thingy.. I hope Suria WILL take him up as one of their new actors.. He will fire the local scene more than Aaron would ever be capable of~ Anyway, he looks so vulnerable while facing the judges n i respect him so much for succeeding in withstanding the harsh comments of the judges.. If i were him, i'd be stopping them mid sentence with a 'WATEVER GUYS!' During the end of the wildcard show juz now, when Gurmit wanted him to say a few words before the show ends, he said "Think wisely before spending your money" U get wat he means? He was obviously disheartened by the whole thing n didnt want to continue this battle any further.. n he was advising anyone whu's voting to think wisely before voting.. U kno, like, voting costs money.. 50 cents per sms.. Dats exactly wat ive been doing in between pausing to type this.. He needs the help of ppl like me.. His fans.. N all the other ppl who's reading my blog b4 10pm, pls, vote for Haizad... He doesnt looked enthusiastic at all after his performance and any time the camera focuses on him... Usually he'd be smiling or goofing ard.. But not juz now.. He was playing it quiet. I noticed dat he was like praying to God or sumthink before the credits rolled.. Well, God, I do hope u help dis helpless, fella through to the next round.. Please, cuz it is only u whu cud whip up a miracle n at this rate, a miracle is all Haizad needs... One. Love.
Idol Yakk
I cant wait till 8 pm.. Its barely 20 more mins to haizad's performance on SG IDOL.. Oh My God.
He's gONNa sing dis i promise u.. I'm juz gonna cross my legs, fingers, hair, eyeballs, mouth, EVERYTHING, dat he'll make it to the next round... He's gonna sing This I Promise You by N'sync Here's my prediction on whu's gonna make it the next round. I dunno how many placings is left.. But i'm gonna go with....... DEFINITELY NOT HAIZAD! I'm sorry baby, but, u need more den ur looks to win u noe.. n .. well, ur not dat GOOD in singing... Ur an 'okay' performer.. but not an 'okay' singer... *SiGhs* If only u cud really sing well.. Anyway, my votes are on Nana n mebbe Beverly N oh ya, my life wud be a lot better if dat Shirin girl gets eliminated.
For eyes only
![]() ![]() this is some snippets frm the theme of my new blog.. Its frm Nelly's new video "Flap Your Wings"... Its awesome!!!! Totally loved it! ![]() ![]() ![]() Look at her! I mean, LOOK at her.. She's so pretty..... N so sweet looking~ This is frm the video 'Sunshine-Lil Flip Ft. Leah' Download it ppl~ Its sooooooooo sweet...
Reunion with my BABY!
HeY gues wat?
I'm finally back together again with my baby botak.. Everything juz seemed fine yesterday.. We went out for a movie at Cineleisure.. We watched Dodgeball and had a laugh... Before dat we ate at Lucky Plaza where i read him my confessions dat i had wrote for him... All abt me apologizing n wanting him back and he was so touched after hearing it... I was touched tOo~ *aWww* After the mOvie we went to Esplanade at sat the Bridge overlooking the river near Fullerton Hotel.. The scenery was perfect and we kissed and made up after dat... There was tears, there was laughters... On on the ride home on the bus, all we did was laugh and tease each other.. The day out was SO perfect. Well now, i'm finally glad dat i've gotten wat i wanted which made my life more at ease now... All i gotta do now is concentrate on my studies n study VERY hard for my upcoming majOr exam..Which leads me to my next topic...
Monday, September 13, 2004
Must u throw stones to someone who have more money den u... Or y must u throw stones to someone who have a big house n a nice front lawn n a nice big car, sum thing dat u dun hav? Think abt it... Can dat someone help it?
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Had a big fite with my brother last friday... He's fucking rude to my sister siak... Haizz.. Dun wanna elaborate ar.. Dun wanna talk abt it...
I slept at my sister's house last nite with my two cuzzins... Hahaha... N den, i dreamt of Haizad.. In that dream.. I was juz watching him frm afar as he was going for Hari Raya prayers with his friends n den he saw me n smiled at me.. Not a sweet smile, but a quirky smile.. Hmmm?? hahhaha.. I dreamt dat wen i woke up its Hari Raya already... Hahahhahaha... Wat a dream! I went to Cik Ani's son wedding at Taman Jurong juz now n saw all my mom's friends and they were all very shock to see me.. they say i've changed alot.. RIGHT! Hmmm.. imma be having my maths paper 1 prelim tmr.. Wish me luck!! ![]() This is a another pic of Haizad i got frm the internet.. Thanks n sorry for taking ur pic whoever u are! But i really appreciate dis..
Friday, September 10, 2004
I Should!!
Hahaha.. Gotten my dose of nicotine already... Hahahha~ I dunno y but i juz simply cant quit smOking mahn~!
Anyways, imma be going out later wif my sister to Causeway Point... Window shopping etc.. Juz now i tried calling botak at home but his mom answered the call.. Urgh. So scared~ And dan, im not frm indonesia... Im frm Singapore... Hehee
My crave for nicotine is backkkk!! Shud i buy it?? Urgh... shud i or shudnt i.... Arrr, i need my ciggies!! shud i or shud i not?
My creative handiwork
*GaSps* HAIZAD !!!!!!!!
![]() AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I was busily flipping through old cleo mags. cuz i found out dat he once appeared in it for Eligible bachelors.... N found daT~ No wonder he looks sorta familiar! Muackz!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Crazy About Haizad !!!!!!!!
I am swooning now, smiling/grinning like a mad woman... U kno y?? Cuz my baby HAIZAD got selected for the WILDCARD show! OoOOoOoOOoOoOo... N n tOp of dat, TAUFIQUE eemrged as 1 of the top 3 for grp 3! WOW~~~ I like his moves... I like his face tOo, my dad says his face is like a clown, very candid.. N no, he wasnt criticizing, dat was a compliment.. He says dis guy very "Candi.." <-- dats candid in malay.. But i like HAIZAD better.. HoHoHo~~ Y not? I spent ard $3++ alone voting for him to win... But he didnt.. Now dat he came back for the wildcard show, i felt it was money well spent. I LURRRRRRRRRRRVE HIM siak! ahahhahaha~ I hope he'll make it as THE SINGAPORE IDOL. Wif dat, i hOpe he change his singing skills n styles... Dun change the original song too much... Sounds weird baby... LoL! Baby seh... Im sure his songs, cds will sell like hot cakes as he has a body n face dat screams 'H.O.T' n a butt dat is like a nice delicious CAKE. hahahhaha.. u dun geddit do u?? Nvm! Ok imma go find more of him frm the net.. So long now... Haizad & Ida Sitting On a Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! ![]() ![]()
Oh ya, juz now, while i was abt to make my breakfast and squeezing the chilli sauce onto my food, i was suddenly thinking of Botak, how if we were eating at fast food restaurants, he will automatically squeeze the chilli out for me... When the phone rang, i picked it up n a male husky voice greeted me..
It was Botak... I was like pacing ard the living room after dat talking to him... Thank God the conversation werent anything awkward... We talked abt some stuffs, catching up on each other's lifes.. N den he told me dat he juz wanted to call me cuz he missed my voice... Well i miss his voice too, every time the phone rings, i hope it was him calling me, but always my hope was to no avail, but juz now... I wasnt expecting it.. I told him to call me more often since i dun have any means of contacting him.. N he said.. Sure, someday i will.... Haiizzz... Weird things juz happened when they want to huh?
A Sad Tale...
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. *Girl hugs him* Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me. (In the paper the next day) :A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die. Dis is fcuking sweet n heartbreaking siak.. The guy was so sweet doing dat to his gf.. I wish dis wun happen to the ones i love...
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
I dyed my hair~~ Oh gOosh~ I didnt think twice now how am i supposed to go for my exams???
Fret not.. Later on imma go to Kyntek's house to dye it suM mOre.. Haha.. Freaky~
Monday, September 06, 2004
Post KL trip
Ok, im free now..
I had my N'level Mly exams juz now.... I did ok, i think... Hope everything WILL go on fine.. Oh-kayyy, here's a quick summary of the trip. It was a mix of diff. emotions... Did u believe i actually wanted to take a pic. wif my brother? *gASps* Anyway, i had fun mingling with my little nephews n nieces.. They're all so cute n fair.. n cute~ Anyway, on the Saturday itself, we went shOpping.. Over there, ur like a supermillionaire siak... U can juz buy anything n everything dat u want~! Everything is so affordable~ Even thOse branded gOods at the bOutiques costs almost half the price here! Dun wanna say wat i bOught here... It'll look as if im bragging den... Hahaha Im beginning to miss the my aunt's family already... Wonder wen we'll meet again... OH YA, I AM NO LONGER OBSESSED WITH MY CRUSH, GREEK GOD. IM SO OVER HIM.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Ola succkaaaaaaaaas!~
Haha.. Im back~
I actualy juz got home like30 mins. ago.. The trip was turbulent ofdiff. feelings.. It didnt hlp dat i have1 spoilt sport cuzzin in that trip.. I bought LOTSA stuffs there.. SHOPING PARADISE!~~~ i'll tell u more, but the idea of watching Princess Diaries 2 on vcd in my comp. is much more appealing den writing here, typing... to no one in particular...Knowing dat no on bothes to read my entry... Till i catch u ppl's attention again, TATA~~ P.S: Yes dan, i LOVE to change layouts now dat i know how to... where r u staying at btw?
Friday, September 03, 2004
Went out to see A Cinderella Story juz now with Phara n Shanna
![]() It was fun~ The movie was SOx100 ROMANTIC~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't keep still in the seat at all~ It was juz so exciting... Its a modern day remake of the fairytale Cinderella n the lead actor, Chad Michael Murray acting as Austin Aames was SO hunky n CUTE! *hahahaha* There was 1 part where Sam was so frustrated in waiting for Austin n making him realize dat it has been her all dis while, she said "Waiting for you, is like waiting for rain to end the drought, disappointing and useless. " Then at the end of the movie when Austin juz left the field in the middle of a American Football match n he needs to score his finishing goal, he chased after Sam n followed his dream-SAM When they kiss, FINALLY, a drop of rain fall down... And Austin whispered that he was sorry Sam got to wait for drought... Ahhh... The whole scenario is sooooooooo sweeeeeeetttttttttttt....... *sWoOn* I like the hp dat Hilary Duff used in dat movie too, very nice n chiC! U ppl shud watch the mOvie ok? I give them 3 thumbs up! Anyway, juz now, we had a photo taking session in school as i told u yesterday.. It went bad. Very bad. None of us were ready n the camerawoman went click click click. DAMNED ASSHOLE. I talked to my Greek God juz now after the exam... Hur hur.. Dun kno y.. Mebbe bcuz i wanted to hear his voice again... LoL~ Anyway, i wanna make it clear, dat watever feelings i have for Greek God is juz minor, a CRUSH. Not love or like or anything more than dat... Hope i gOt the message across.. I'll update summore wen i get back frm KL k? Till my next lame entry... Tata~
HaiZad, SG IdOL n sTaRtiNg afReSh
![]() I am so dizzy n hypnotized after watching SG Idol juz now.. I was eyeing Haizad all the while n he's so cute... Not dat im a stalker, a freak or fanatic watever... Its juz dat im a fan of his, n im REALLY sad he didnt make it thru to the next rOund.. I think he carried the wrong song, the wrong way.. He was trying too hard... *shakes head left n rite* Surely his gf would've adviced him beforehand rite? *hint hint* Hahahha.. Its so ironic him being a nurse and everything.. when i myself wanna be a NURSE too! Working my way towards my goal now... ahahha Actually after SG Idol, i had a good cry while hearing 'I will survive' on my radio.. I cried n cried n cried till i couldn't cry anymore den washed my face n changed my blog skin. How m i suppose to move on if im clinging on to the past rite? So here i am now.. LoL I hOpe i'll have a nyCe pleasant and sweet dream of Haizad in 'Dreamland'. In that world, anything can happen~ Thats y i love to sleep! Only there can my desires be fulfilled... So long now... Im going to sleep. Urgh i forgot.. I hafta iron my clothes first. Tmr's photo taking session in sch yawww.. So must be neat n tidy.. LoL Tata my fellow bLoGGers!
Thursday, September 02, 2004
DAY 11 Of Separation n 11 things i missed
DAY 11 Of Separation "Its been eleven days, umpteen hours, imma be burning till you return......" Dat is part of the lyrics frm this background song "Burn-Usher" I didnt realize it has been 11 lonely days... 11 days of not calling him when i wake up in the morning 11 days of not msging him when i miss him 11 days of no babytalking with him 11 days of not holding his hand and hugging him 11 days of silent hp (nobody else called me except for him normally, n nw dat he's gone...) 11 days of no petty quarrels 11 days of not calling him before i go to sleep 11 days of not letting him make decisions for me n choose the opp. of watever he chosed 11 days of not biting his arm 11 days of not hearing him call me 'Baby djumok' 11 days of having no one to turn too... These are the 11 of the things i missed doing with him... Y are these tears suddenly falling down? N now at last.. All i've got is me, myself and I...
Day 10 Of Separation
DAY 10 Of Separation I actually shut down my computer system, off the fan, shut the lights n went into my room exactly at 12am. Its now 12.54 n still ticking.. Wen i reached my room, i cleared the scattered books on my bed n stacked them nicely on my study table beside the bed. I fluff the pillow, woke up again n shut the lights. I'm actually scared of the dark. My intention of fluffing the pillow before shutting the lights is dat, after the lights is off, i'll straight away jump into bed n doze off. Dat is a routine everyday. But my eyes juz wont shut. I called a few of my friends n they're all asleep. So, i checked the Inbox of my messages n realized that there's 125 messages. So iscrolled down backwards, 1 by 1.. As i run through all the messages that my ex, BOTAK, sent me.. My hert began to ache.. He was all nice.. N loving.. N i treasure that only when he's gone.. There was one message where he said he wud wanna send me food to sch juz bcuz im hungry n recess seems eons more to go.. N den he kept on messaging me if i am ok.. He was worried. Juz because i said "I'm hungry". Heck, if it was other guys, they wud juz reply back saying "Later recess, eat la.." or "Den wat u wan me to do?" or "Dun eat too much la.. U shud be losing weight." or "Hang on there juz a while more la.." or he wud juz delete it. But he... He wanted to make it a point to cum to sch n sneak me some food at the gate. How sweet is that? Its the thought that counts n makes my heart ache so much rite now.. There's more.. But that was 1 of it.. Why am i so stupid to let him go? Why did i initiate the break up? Why cant i juz hang on and juz accept his flaws.. Nobody's perfect.. I let my selfish side take over me... But there's mane cons then pros in that relationship.. Age diff. Maternal, paternal woes (His mom, dad, HATES, LOATHES me) Friends Lack of understanding (He was too nice too me dat i was suffocating, dat time) Lack of trust But when he's gone.. All this seemed minor.. What shud i do? I tried calling him back on his mobile, but he cut his line. I hv no means in contacting him accept for the internet. N he seldoms logs in. What shud i do? I miss him... It hurts to walk ard n see all these couples holding hands n laughing n snuggling.. I know dat was how we used to be.. But everything's gone now... Everything's over n done with.. N as much as it hurts, moving on... I juz wanna say, That He's the best boyfriend any girl wud ever dream of...
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Hmmm... If u lucky ppl got to hear the background music.. Good. Cuz its a song frm the soundtrack PONTIANAK HARUM SUNDAL MALAM...
The story's so eerie, the storyline so sad.. The music so soothing n sad too.. Seharum bunga yang menggoda Sekadar dipandang usah dipuja Kau pasti tak percaya Kasih ku bukan, Untuk mu, sayang Tiada ku sangka kau sungguh kejam Kau rampas segalanya yang kau dendam Namun takkan bahgia kehidupan mu Bila bunyi bersatu Kau milik ku Pulangkan cinta hati ku Oh hentikan lah menghantui ku Pulangkan oh pulangkan lah pada ku Ku pulangkan kesan hidup mu Yang dikau musnah tanpa relaku Bebaskanlah maafkan daku, oh kasih Tiada kemaafan di sini Kau ragut degupan hati ku ini Akan ku jejakimu, kemana jua Hingga akhir masa, sayang..... Anyway, I went to Yew Tee juz now, to see my tailor for my hari raya costumes.. I told her wat pattern to do and all dat and she took my measurements and everything.. Hope this yr's costume will look nicer den last yr.. Its juz so sad dat i will not be celebrating Hari Raya with Botak.. I hope he'll find my replacement soon.. Tho it hurts.. I'll b happy to see him happy with his loved one..
DaY 9 Of SePaRaTioN
DAY 9 Of Separation wOke up at 12.30pm dis morning...I can get used to dis.. I've been so fatigued lately dat i always wanted to sleep sleep sleep.. Lets see... Today.. I hv nO planning watsoever... Lui pon takde... Called Shila, her mOm said she havent gOt hOme yet.. Must've tOrn ysterday ar tu.. Got a feeling i'll b lazing at hm today ar... AGAIN. Dats all for now.... |