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August 2004
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Melancholic Farewell
I cannot believe dat we're graduating soon... All the laughters, tears,euphoria, happiness will come to an end... I was blessed that i got to 2 very diff. grps of ppl thoughout my secondary school life... There was the exp. class n the acad. class, my current class.
Class of 2001 was indeed very diff. n exciting. I have been contemplating on doing this for along time, cuz i was afraid ppl wont get wat im tryin' to say n took it the wrong way n will hate me more.. But i juz wanted to... apologize. Aisah, hidayah, sulastri, artiqah, suhana, ziyah.. They were the best mates though i gotta go through turmoil to realize that... The 5 of us, ais, dayah, sue, tiqah, me, were solid. We were close and i blew it all up. I am truly sorry for all my wrong doings.. I wanna say thank you dat u guys have moulded me in another way or another to wat i am today...U guys taught me the meaning of true friendship, trust, loyalty and love. Love to family, God, life.. The tears that we shed.. The fight at the canteen dat really turned my life ard.. u girls were there for me when i had no one else to turn to and corrected all my wrongdoings.. U girls were my mentor in shaping the good side of me.. Aisah, i am sorry dat i've hurt u.. i've disappointed u... But believe me aisah, the tears i shed at the day of the fight wasnt croc's tears.. I really did cry.. For real... I was hurt dat dis all happened. Ziyah i am sorry i was mean to u during the starting of sec. 1 and 2.. I am sorry dat i wanted to slap ur face at the day of the fight. n i wanna say thank you to aisah for stopping me from making a big mistake. Hidayah, thank you for understanding me.. Thank you so much for being the 'big sister' image to me.. Thank u for hearing me out all this while.. Artiqah, im sorry i never returned ur cd's n im sorry if u think i've betrayed u.. I'm sorry dat i am not perfect... I am thankful dat u taught me indirectly to b closer to God. Sue, i am sorry for destroying ur trust in me.. I am sorry if i had done anything wrong to u.. I really enjoyed talking to u over the phone all those nites.. I was glad dat i was of help during ur downfall.. Suhana, i never was jealous of ur boyfriend n i have no intentions of wat sorts to have him. he wasnt my type n vice versa. The conversations on the phone was to plan on ur surprise anniversary gift. I am sorry dat since den, we're no more friends. I am sorry if it's all awkward now.. I still kept ur note dat u gave me at the starting of this yr for me to keep in my wallet always. I love u when i had u as my friend, i juz never thought dat things will end up dis way.. i have no grudges against u though i cannot say dat for urself.. I am sorry.. i am sorry for everything..I juz wanna end all this in a good note. so im apologizing to u if there was ever anything wrong dat u feel i have done to u.. But believe me, i never have any ill-feelings towards u.. Hafizah, u were mean to me. N it hurt me alot. U and i never bonded. But i still wanna say sorry if i've hurt u in any way .. Ur hurting words have helped me rise up frm my fall. N im sorry if im not perfect fizah, im juz born this way.. But i'm glad dat both of us are all good now.. Im glad dat though we barely see each other nowadays, u atleast didnt hurl any bad comments at me anymore.. I was glad dat u talked to me at the canteen wen we were waiting for our report books dis yr.. Thank you... I say this frm the bottom of my heart n i have no intentions of hurting anyone.. Again, if i did, im sorry.. Its gonna hurt me to kno dat im not gonna experience ur friendship anymore... Pls dun hate me.. I've gone through alot, and though i seemed cheerful n loony, i am actually suffering inside all this while since that fight. I cried every night bcuz i've lost a friendship dats flawless. I am only human n i make mistakes... I cannot bare to say this.. But if i were to ever leave this life, pls, cum and have 1 final look at me.. All of u.. though my soul is not there anymore, but we do know dat the soul is actually watching whu's visiting.. Pls forgive me for all those times... I love u girls alot.. At least im glad now dat we're all on talking terms... Pls read me al-fatehah every now n den.. I am scared of dis.. But i kno its soon.. I cant fight this any longer.. Halalkan makan minum kite thoughout our friendship. Forgive me for all my wrongdoings.. It will take me a long time to find another friendship like urs.. Dont hate me... I love u... Believe me. Thank u... For something special click HERE I juz thot i'd put that up for ol' times sake.. Anyway, those goes wayyyyyyy backkk... so all of us look immature n childish. Of coz! Wat were u expecting? |