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August 2004
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
many a time, i stop and i wonder why?
why am i walking this way when i can walk that way? why am i sitting here when i can soak up the sun out there? why are u staring at me? why am i still listening to u? why cant i be like other kids? why am i pathetic? why did he said he loved me when we just barely knew each other? why did i said i love him back when im not sure i mean it? why is it that i happen to always fall for the bad-ass guys? why such rottten luck? u think i should stop whining? i think so too... anyway, my school table is filled with khairul amri's pictures here and there. gawd. am. i. pathetic. i hate my form teacher. i hate the fact that every teacher thought dat i have reformed and repented. u can think again n kiss my thick ass babe. toodles.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
i refuse to accept the fact
u should not hv sex wif dat someone juz bcuz u feel obligated to. i feel so sad.. i've been getting more n more news dat my friends are losing their virginity. i know its only human for us to have sexual intercourse but, what? is it mating season now?!
im not saying im an angel but, your first time should be something dat u can cherish remembering how sweet it was etc.. but i guess dat juz dont happen anymore do they? men are such idiots.
Monday, January 10, 2005
i am so in love with being single!
i'll update this post laterrr |