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August 2004
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
MeRDeKa, HaPpy InDePenDenCe MaLaYSia
Oh ya, Happy Merdeka Malaysia!
MERDEKA!!!!!!!! MERDEKA!!!!!!!!!! MERDEKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DaY 8 Of SePaRaTiOn, tHe BeGiNniNg oF tHe eNd
DAY 8 Of Separation New blog~ actually its an old one, i've had this even b4 i've had the blogdrive on. But i dunno how to use it, so, cudnt be bothered. Read dayah's blog. Haha.. Wonder who she's referring to... Actually i also wanna let out a bit ar.. I am so sick n tired of ur hypocrisy, lies, deceit n childish charades... Pls la, i tot i was helping u, i tot i wanted to save u frm being cheated, BUT in the end wat did i get? Being called a BITCH behind ma back. Dun think i dunno ok.. Oh, i kno a whole LOTTA shit abt u~ Dun ask me how.. None of ur business. Ur close to me, wen u need someone to talk to, n wen things arent all that SUCKY anymore for u, u turned ur back on me n refuse to acknowledge me as a fren. WAT DO U THINK AM I? TIANG LAMP POST KAT DEPAN SKOLA KAPE?!! enough of it la SHEEQA! YES U!! On a lighter note.. I made a fool of myself infront 'Greek God' juz now.. I saw him w/o his shirt on juz now in the boy's toilet.. Heheehee.. I didnt mean to!! The door was wide OPEN! n its adjacent to the girls toilet.. I can only oogle in pure wonder.. He's so cute when he smiles. N i was deeply embarassed juz now wen i was being told upon infront of him by his friend. STUPID BLACKIE. How i wonder did he remember our kiss on the bus last yr? How i wonder.. Wonder n wonder.... Wondering.. |